25 Years in Business

Our 25 Year Anniversary
Celebrating 25 years in business is a significant achievement, and at Carrie Elspeth Jewellery, we were so unbelievably thrilled to mark this milestone in style. We held a celebration and we were joined by over 80 friends & family members, suppliers, customers, agents and members of the team both past and present, who have all contributed to the success of the company in one way or another over the years. We couldn’t have done it without each and every one of them and we are deeply grateful for their support - it was so lovely to see so many wonderful people in one place.

As we reflect on the last 25 years, it has been a privilege to share our passion of colourful jewellery, inspired by the culture and beauty of Wales, with the world. Carrie said on the evening …
“It makes me proud that I've been in business longer than Facebook, and have designs predating the iPhone and Euro!”

“Like many of us in this wonderful industry we have weathered many storms like September 11th, The Global Financial Crisis, BREXIT, Covid, the sad passing of Queen Elizabeth II and even the Millennium Bug! Its taught me that we are a hardy bunch and no matter what is thrown at us we will keep moving forward and adapting with hard work, ingenuity and often, raw determination and stubbornness.”

“It’s not all been about surviving crises however, we have had lots to celebrate in the last 25 years. The London Olympics, royal weddings, births, jubilees and Coronations! From the perspective of Carrie Elspeth Jewellery some of my major milestones have been getting an invite to meet the Queen as part of a celebration of British Design, various local, national and international business awards etc. There are still some retailers selling my jewellery who I got on my first ever sales trip which gives me an amazing sense of achievement, I am so grateful to all the retailers who have supported me over the past quarter century. I still get my biggest buzz when I see people wearing my jewellery in the streets or on TV.”

Thank you to everyone who was able to be there on the evening, and those who couldn’t, for being a part of our journey, and we look forward to many more years of success ahead.
Thank you to everyone who was able to be there on the evening, and those who couldn’t, for being a part of our journey, and we look forward to many more years of success ahead.